
In the previous chapter we were introduced to linear types. Most of the uses of linear types we saw involved functions that take (and consume) linear values and return them again for later use.

But returning records from every, function and threading linear values through the code, is very verbose and inconvenient. It is also often a violation of the principle of least privilege: linear values, in a sense, have “root permissions”. If you have a linear value, you can destroy it. And we don’t necessarily want every function that takes a linear value to be able to destroy it.

What we want is a way to treat linear values as though they were free values, within a delineated scope, and we want to do this in a way where we don’t lose the safety guarantees of linear types.


A reference is a Free pointer to a Linear or Free value. References have a number of restrictions that preserve the linearity guarantees. There are two kinds of references:

The type “read reference to a value of type T” is denoted &[T, R], where R is the region, which we will discuss below. The type “mutable reference to a value of type T” is denoted &![T, R]

The Simple Case

Suppose you have a linear ByteBuffer type and you want a function to get its length. You could have something like:

function length(buf: ByteBuffer): Pair[Index, ByteBuffer];

And use it like so:

let { first as length: Index, second as buf2: ByteBuffer } := length(buf);

But this is horribly inconvenient. Additionally, it gives the length function too much power. Internally, it could deallocate buf and allocate a new, entirely different buffer to return. We wouldn’t expect that to happen, but the point is to be defensive and prevent wrong programs from being written in the first place.

With references, we can simplify the API to this:

generic [R: Region]
function length(buf: &[ByteBuffer, R]): Index;

Instead of consuming the linear ByteBuffer value, we take a reference to a ByteBuffer in the region R, which is a type parameter of the function.

We can use this like this:

let length: Index := length(&buf);

The syntax borrow expression matches the syntax of the reference type: &x creates a &[T, R] read-reference, &! creates a &![T, R] mutable reference.

Suppose we had something like:

let buf: ByteBuffer := allocateBuffer(100, 'a');
let len: Index := length(&buf);

This code would compile because the reference expression &buf happens after buf is defined but before buf is consumed.

But if we tried to do this:

let buf: ByteBuffer := allocateBuffer(100, 'a');
let len: Index := length(&buf);

This would not work. You can’t take a reference to a value has that been consumed.

Under the Hood

How is the above function implemented under the hood? Suppose the definition of ByteBuffer is something like:

record ByteBuffer: Linear is
    size: Index;
    capacity: Index;
    buffer: Pointer[Nat8];

Then, we can define length like this:

generic [R: Region]
function length(buf: &[ByteBuffer, R]): Index is
    return !(buf->size);

The ! operator is the dereferencing operator. This takes a reference (read reference or mutable reference) to a Free value, and returns that value. So if we have x: &[T, R], the expression !x has type T.

Transforming References

If you have a reference to a value, you can transform that into a reference to one of its constituents. Consider the following types:

record SolarSystem is
    sun: Star;
    mercury: Planet;
    venus: Planet;

record Star: Linear is
    pos: CartesianCoord;

record CartesianCoord: Free is
    x: Float32;
    y: Float32;
    z: Float32;

Then suppose we have a reference ref of type &[SolarSystem, R]. Path operations will give us references to its constituents:

Note that the region is the same as references are transformed.


Dereferencing takes a reference and returns the value it points to. You can’t dereference a reference to a linear value, because, since references are free types, you could do this repeatedly, and make multiple copies of the linear value. But you can dereference free values.

In the above example, ref->sun->pos->x is a reference to a Float32 value, which is Free, so we can derefence it:

let f: Float32 := !(ref->sun->pos->x);

The General Case

But what if we want to save the reference for later use? If we do this:

let bufref: &[ByteBuffer, R] := &buf;

The compiler will complain that it doens’t know any type named R.

When you need to know the name of the region—generally, when a reference outlives a single statement—you need to use the borrow statement:

borrow buf as bufref in Reg do
    -- For the duration of this block, the value `buf` is
    -- unusable, since it has been borrowed, and `bufref`
    -- has type `&[ByteBuffer, Reg].
end borrow;

What’s different about the borrow statement? Here we’re defining the name of the region Reg. You can think of this as a lexically-scoped, type-level tag. Within the scope of the region statement, R is defined. Outside the block, it isn’t. That means you can’t leak references. You can’t write:

let ref: &[T, Reg] := ...;
borrow x as xref in Reg do
    ref := xref;
end borrow;

Because Reg is not known to the compiler outside the borrow statement.

Regions are not values: they are types, which exist only within a scope, and are used to tag reference types so they can’t escape. The reason we use the borrow statement in this case is it makes it completely explicit, in the source code, how long the reference lives.

As with reference expressions, you can’t do this:

let buf: ByteBuffer := allocateBuffer(100, 'a');
borrow buf ...

Because the value has already been deallocated, and therefore cannot be borrowed.